Equal Opportunity Employment

Project Community

The target community for this project is youth (18 to 28 years) from under-privileged families who face un-employment because of lack of quality education and employment skill. Youth from low-income families in various areas of Pune like Janta Vasahat, Kashewadi, Ambedkar Nagar, Antuley Nagar, Kalewadi etc.         

Community lives in temporary Housing, where, no potable water or drainage systems, High rates of crime and theft, Average income per household – Rs 4,000/5,000, Residents involved in informal work: manual labourer, rickshaw drivers, domestic help, scrap & garbage diggers, Children of families typically drop-out of school and follow parents’ informal work, Youth lacks basic employable skills like communication, teamwork, problem solving attitude, taking initiative and enterprise, planning approach and organising attitude, self-management, openness to learning and new technology

While there will always be job-specific skills that an employer is looking for, most employers will also want you to have some general skills. These general job skills are sometimes called "employability skills". Having employability skills improves the chances of securing a suitable job for these youth. These skills can also help them stay in a job and work their way to the top. Generally speaking, there are eight skills that employers are looking for, no matter what industry or sector we work in: these are communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiatives and enterprise, planning and organizing, self-management, learning and technology.

Project Objectives and Actions

  1. Improved employability skills of youth (boys and girls) per year from poor families

  2. Improved access to various employment opportunities.


  1. Youth have developed their presentations skills to enhance sales, project explanations, self-confidence and relationship.

  2. In the course, they have learnt problem solving strategies and brain storming to increase creativity and collaborative outcomes.

  3. Participation in the training provided them ability to recognize stress symptoms and develop stress deflecting strategies.

  4. A network of youth and employers helping each other to fulfill their works and responsibilities

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop